
Tax and Customs Law

JUDr. Peter Tupta is an expert in Customs Law. He provides legal advice to clients, particularly in the following areas:

  1. Proceedings related to the reassessment of customs debt, such as in cases of post-clearance control (incorrect classification of goods; determination of customs value; application or non-application of preferences; origin of goods; customs duty exemption; customs duty remission; failure to deliver goods to the customs authority on time; illegal import/export; removal of goods from customs supervision, etc.).
  2. Proceedings related to the refund and remission of customs duties
  3. Proceedings related to the correction and invalidation of customs declarations
  4. Proceedings related to violations of customs and tax regulations (proceedings on the imposition of sanctions for committing customs (tax) offenses and misdemeanors)
  5. Proceedings on binding information decisions regarding the nomenclature classification of goods and on binding information decisions regarding the origin of goods
  6. Proceedings related to customs authorizations for various customs regimes and relevant entities (customs warehouses, approved economic operators, statuses, approved importers (exporters))
  7. Proceedings related to guarantees provided for customs debt, proceedings for the guarantee of customs debt
  8. Issues related to prohibitions and restrictions in the area of customs proceedings
  9. Licensing proceedings and other similar proceedings
  10. Proceedings for dual-use goods
  11. Proceedings related to military goods, 3TG goods (conflict materials – tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold), diamonds
  12. Proceedings related to the provision of information under the Union Customs Code or the Information Act
  13. Statements and analyses regarding customs authorities' actions, representation in proceedings, in appeal proceedings, in proceedings before courts and other public authorities
  14. Representation in cases of termination of service (employment) of financial administration officers, police officers, etc.
  15. Representation in cases of violation of service discipline.