
Labor law from the employer's point of view

Labor law from the employer's perspective deals with legal norms and regulations that govern the relationships between employer and employee. It encompasses a wide range of areas, including:

  1. Creation, modification, and termination of employment: Includes rules and processes related to hiring new employees, signing employment contracts, changing working conditions (e.g., transfer to another workplace), and terminating employment (e.g., dismissal, immediate termination, mutual agreement to end employment).
  2. Working conditions: Regulates aspects such as working hours, vacation, rest breaks, occupational health and safety, and ensuring suitable working conditions.
  3. Salaries and remuneration: Includes regulations regarding minimum wage, salary scales, payment dates, overtime pay, holiday or night work bonuses, as well as rules for wage deductions.
  4. Occupational safety and health (OSH): Defines the employer's obligations to provide a safe working environment, conduct OSH training, and monitor compliance with safety standards.
  5. Protection against discrimination and harassment: Labor law protects employees from discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, disability, or other grounds. The employer is obliged to create a work environment free from harassment and discrimination.
  6. Collective bargaining and collective agreements: Regulates the processes of collective bargaining between the employer and trade unions, including the conclusion of collective agreements that may establish more favorable conditions for employees than those set by law.
  7. Legal protection and dispute resolution: Provides a framework for resolving labor disputes, including mechanisms for conflict resolution, filing complaints, and legal proceedings related to labor law.

From the employer's perspective, it is important that these areas are thoroughly understood and implemented in practice to avoid legal conflicts and ensure smooth operation of labor relations.