
Labor law from the employee's point of view

Labor law from the employee's perspective deals with the rights and obligations arising from employment relationships. The main areas it covers include:

  1. Formation of the employment relationship: It defines the rules under which an employment contract between the employer and the employee can be concluded.
  2. Employee rights and obligations: It outlines basic rights such as the right to remuneration for work, adequate working conditions, safety and health protection at work, as well as obligations, such as fulfilling work tasks according to the employment contract.
  3. Working hours and rest: It regulates rules concerning working time, overtime, breaks, vacations, and other forms of work leave.
  4. Wages and compensation: It deals with the rules for calculating and paying wages, overtime pay, night work, holiday work, and more.
  5. Employee protection: It provides protection against discrimination, workplace bullying, unlawful dismissal, or wage reduction. It also addresses issues related to employer liability for damages caused to employees.
  6. Termination of employment: It regulates the conditions and procedures for ending employment, including notice, immediate termination, and mutual agreement on termination.
  7. Social security and support: It addresses issues related to sickness insurance, pension security, maternity leave, unemployment benefits, and other forms of social protection for employees.
  8. Collective bargaining and unions: It deals with employees' rights to collective bargaining and union membership, which represent their interests in negotiations with the employer. Labor law is thus essential for ensuring fair and safe conditions in the workplace and protecting employees' rights.