
word's power



We understand the power of words and the importance of mutual communication very well.

Behind each word, however, there are acts, life situations, implemented projects and people.

IURISTICO s. r. o. is a law firm where you find people able and willing to communicate. The people are well informed, have wide knowledge and a lot of experience in various fields of law.

Our team renders legal services in such a way that our clients are always provided with objective information necessary for taking personal as well as professional decisions. The highest level of discreetness possible is the matter of course and builds necessary mutual trust between us and the client.

Satisfied customers are our priority. You too can rely on our high-quality legal services rendered by our team, vest your trust in us and let us help you with your legal issues or intentions.


About us

The law firm IURISTICO s. r. o. was established on 4th January 2005 under its initial name Ivančo, Rigo & Kukura s. r. o. as a continuous successor of the law firm Ivančo, Rigo & Spol. providing its services as of 1st January 2000.

The founders of the law firm IURISTICO s. r. o. are Radoslav Rigo, Ivan Ivančo and Matej Kukura, the long-term attorney work experience of whose is the guaranty of quality legal services provided to all clients.

There are currently 9 lawyers working for our law firm, of whom three are associates, two cooperating attorneys and four articled clerks.


Our team

Attorneys and founding partners

Ivan Ivančo


Radoslav Rigo


Marek Kukura


Cooperating attorneys

Michaela Gočová


Articled clerks

Zuzana Mojžišová

Attorney clerk

Jana Štiavnická

Attorney clerk

Kinga Kulcsár Belánová

Attorney clerk

Simona Hrešková

Attorney clerk

Personal assistant’s office

Iveta Ballová

Chief of administration


Fields of Law

A large number of professionals working for our law firm and the long-term experience of its individual team members ensure the provision of a wide scale of legal services. The focus and specialisation of individual members of our law firm can be found in the part named "Our team".

When rendering legal services, our law firm cooperates closely with public administration authorities, notaries public, experts, translators, and other persons whose activities are important for the comprehensive provision of legal services.

The law firm IURISTICO s.r.o also provides legal services in English, French and Hungarian.



address for correspondence::
IURISTICO s. r. o., Cimborkova 13, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
tel./fax: +421 55 62 565 30
ID Nr: 36 588 041

Cimborkova 13, 040 01 Košice MAP
Železničiarska 24, 080 01 Prešov MAP

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